Thursday, April 9, 2009

Attention Attention!!! Greenhouse is Gone!!

The wind and I took down the greenhouse about 2 days ago. I had one end of the GH closed and the other end open, so when the strong wind shifted it did alot of damage... So I decided to just take it down and start a design to expand easier. I like this setup.. Not as hot, fish tank is covered more from the sun and I can add grow beds easier.

By the way found out that only the big fish is a Tilapia and the small ones are Gambusias a.k.a Mosquitfish. So have to go fishing for more Tilapias.


  1. hey man, I saw your video on youtube about the auto sifon you were building... it was kind of nice, i prefer to install and auto sifon than pumping the water from the tank all the time.

    I would like to ask you for a little more explanation on the intall cuz I just checked your pictures and can't figuere out how did you put it...

    Thanks and keep it up i will be following.

  2. Hey man, I was enjoying reading your blog about your aquaponics system but you stopped posting. What happened? :(
    I have spent lots of time in the Bahamas on my sailboat, I love the Bahamas!
    Hope you didn't give up on your system!


  3. Hey, no I haven't given up on my system. In fact I'm going to have more time to put up new post and have everything up and running cause I am quitting my job to follow some of my passions. One of which is Aquaponics!

  4. Also, I really need some Tilapia. I only have 1. I caught it by the airport but someone dumped some fill in the lake and everything was a mess. I don't know if the fish are still alive in there. If anyone can help provide me with some Tilapia please let me know. My email address is kohfemiller (at)
