Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 2 of the excitment...

I started to build the wicking bed that I will grow the root vegetables in. A wicking bed holds the water under the soil and allows the soil to pull out the exact amount it needs to be saturated. I have already installed the pipe with holes drilled to the bottom and the gravel that is covering it. I cut a shade cloth like material and covered the gravel and place a layer of soil on top of that. Need to put on a few more inches of soil and it will be ready for some beets and carrots!.

 The corn is coming along very quickly. The lettuce and cabbage came out the ground today also.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I've not posted anything for a long time, but good news, I am now expanding. Yesterday I built a second system that only has one grow bed on it so far. More will be added as I am able to get more barrels. Here is a picture of it so far. Note that some changes will be made, eg. pipe running back to the fish tank will be replaced with a single hose.
I have placed a male and female in the 1st IBC tank for my breeding. I have to connect the second IBC tank. I currently have fingerlings in the second IBC tank.

I bought some non GMO seeds and they were planted on Monday and Tuesday. Today is Thursday and the radish, corn, watermelon and beets have sprouted.