Sunday, March 15, 2009

So Far.....

So I'm back after a long break from blogging. I am was working on putting up the green house and killing fish. I'm sorry Sherrell, you can call me a fish killer now. What had happen I did a 100 % water changed with the tap water, I know, dumb and even dumber. But that stupid algae didn't want to go away. Well I lost 6 gold fish. The sucking fish and cray fish is still alive. I would not try to change the water like that again.

Well the greenhouse is almost finished, have to add one more hoop and the front side with the door. Inside there is extremely hot is I am going to be making a few adjustments to correct that. Love going inside there tho, it's like another room. If my yard was secured better I'd move a bed and tv in there. Then I can work late nights.

So make comments and ask questions!

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