Thursday, February 26, 2009

Coming Along

Where do I start... I bought a crayfish and sucking fish Saturday to help keep the tank clean and keep the algae level down. Need to buy a few more. I was able to go fishing yesterday at a lake and caught 17 fingerlings that I thought were Tilapia. I was so excited when I thought they were, but had a closer look at one that died. Crazy me through the fish directly in the tank when I bought them home and the goldfish had an early dinner. So I quickly had to catch the goldfish out the system to give me time to catch the smaller fish to separate them. I placed a net hanging over in the water to keep the baby fish. Got new seedlings on the raise. Sweet corn, sweet basil, tomato and lettuce.


  1. Keep up the good work. It's looking great.



  2. Thanks alot. Next step is a green house.
